Reminder for school start
Wednesday 2nd September
Dear parents / carers,
I hope that you and your child(ren) are as excited about starting back at school as the staff and I are to see them. To help the next few days run as smoothly as possible, please make sure you have read through the previous communications outlining key areas such as pick up and drop off arrangements, times and expectations. This can be found on the school website
Some of the main points are;
- Check the times that your child(ren) need to arrive at school
- All children from year 1 – 4 will need to come through the gate onto the large yard. Staff will be there to meet them
- Please let your child through and then move away from the entrance to allow the other children access
- If your children have different start times please let the child with the earliest start enter for their time and then step away from the entrance and wait for the appropriate time for your other child to enter
- There will not be an opportunity to speak to the teachers in the morning so if you require a message to be passed on please email the school office
- At home time, only one adult can collect for each child. Everyone will be expected to follow the one way system at pick up, entering through the pedestrian gates off Elmfield and then walking through the site to leave through the gate onto Drumoyne Gardens. A plan of this has been shared on the previous communication for guidance which again can be found on the website in the coronavirus section on the right hand side of the home page.
Please also remember that school is able to provide a packed lunch for your child if you so wish or they are able to bring their own from home. Please ensure that if bringing from home there are no nut based products.
PE kit – This year we are asking that the children come into school wearing their PE kit on the days they have PE. Therefore, children will not be required to bring in any kit. Class teachers will inform parents through Seesaw the days that PE will be taught. The children will need to wear a tracksuit over their kit on these days.
It is essential that we limit and control the amount of items that come into and go out of school. Each child will only need to bring with them a coat and their packed lunch if they are bringing one from home. We will communicate to parents in the coming days how we will manage the changing of reading books etc.
I understand things are very different moving forward and appreciate all the support that parents and carers have given so far and I am sure will continue to give in the coming days and weeks.
Thank you in advance for your co-operation,
Mr T Jones