Our curriculum vision statement:

At Langley First School we ‘Learn, build Friendships and Shine

Our curriculum is creative, thought-provoking and aspirational. Weaving through our knowledge-rich, broad and balanced curriculum are our key values of respect, responsibility and resilience. We engage our children by bringing learning to life through quality visits and visitors and developing curious and enquiring minds.

We strive to ensure our children become reflective and empathetic citizens equipped with the qualities, skills and values required to be independent and responsible learners. We promote ambition, high aspirations and foster children's’ capacity to see the possibilities within the world today. We encourage our pupils to make the right choices in order to stay safe, healthy and happy. We instil a love of lifelong learning for all  in a nurturing and inclusive environment ensuring our children are ready for the next stages of their learning. 

Our curriculum was developed using a set of progressive components for each subject. We use these components to plan, teach and assess pupils. These progressive skills/knowledge are our non-negotiables and ensure pupils are ready for their next stages in their education. The components are revisited over the year and applied to different contexts to ensure secure learning. Our Langley golden threads weave through our curriculum which clearly enhance and drive our school’s core values and are the basis of our curriculum vision statement.

Respect, Responsibility and Resilience drive our curriculum and is embedded throughout

We have 5 golden threads which run through our curriculum provision they are:

Understanding why people and events are significant


Knowing how we can make an impact and take responsibility


Understanding our place in our local community and locality


Developing appreciation of the arts and developing creativity


Developing a wealth of experiences that inspire futures



Meaningful links are created to further develop interest,  understanding and deeper learning. Quality texts, visits and visitors are planned effectively to enhance the provision. Medium term plans are circulated to parents and key objectives are revisited and embedded in a variety of contexts over time. Key disciples of each subject are reviewed and developed across the curriculum and progress through the year groups. Assessment systems are robust and analyse pupil’s attainment based on our progressive sequential knowledge. Consistent and secure teacher subject knowledge ensures our pupils are taught sequential components to be able to know more and remember more. Curriculum provision is reviewed and amended based on cohort / attainment and specific needs. 

There are clear and consistent opportunities across school to develop respect, responsibility and resilience (school’s core values). All staff value the importance of the PSHE/RSE curriculum and provide extra opportunities to develop these skills to ensure the children are ready for next steps in their learning journey. Global issues are taught sensitively to the children and they begin to understand that their choices have an impact. Our curriculum is ambitious and  we create opportunities for our children to see possibilities in the world today and have high aspirations. 

Our curriculum is inclusive and pupils from all groups are supported in order to access the full breadth and balance of our curriculum.

"During our children’s time in the school we have both been impressed with the standard of teaching and communication with parents. I feel confident our children have been given a solid foothold during their first steps of education." Parent comment 2022

At Langley First School we pride ourselves on our outstanding curriculum, which helps all children to succeed in their academic and personal development through quality first teaching.

Our curriculum is designed and planned to ensure breadth, engagement and depth of learning which meets the needs of all our children. We enrich the basic skills taught in our daily maths and English lessons with a variety of inspiring and innovative teaching and learning to enthuse and challenge our learners. We strive to equip all our pupils with the fundamental skills and enthusiasm for life long learning.

We deliver a rich, skills based curriculum that helps pupils to acquire knowledge, skills and understanding in line with the statutory requirements set out by the National Curriculum. Our curriculum design allows for thorough teaching, practise and repetition through a range of opportunities to allow for depth of learning across each of the subject areas.

We effectively link subjects and real life contexts through our topics to make learning more meaningful and engaging for the children. The topics are taught in year groups and are changed every term or half term. Parents are issued topic overviews at the beginning of each topic. When planning our topics, staff embrace the use of visits and visitors to enrich the curriculum and ensures there are lots of opportunities for outdoor learning. We also take consideration for the promotion of British Values and ensure that every opportunity is take to celebrate diversity and actively promote mutual respect.

The curriculum is further enhanced by our range of extra-curricular clubs and our ‘Spread your Wings and Try Sessions’. These sessions give children the opportunity to choose and try new skills. They take ownership of their learning and experience something new and exciting. All learners are supported in their journey through school within a happy, stimulating and inclusive environment.

Working together with parents and governors, our dedicated team of staff share high expectations for our children to achieve to the best of their abilities, both within the classroom and beyond.

Pupils have opportunities to share their learning with each other, their parents and carers and other learners through school-based presentations, showcases, performances, competitions and events.

Whole School Curriculum Overviews

Year 4 Curriculum Overview


Year 4 - Autumn 1 Overview


Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC)

Statement of intent At Langley First School, the pupils and their learning are at the very heart of every decision we make. This policy reflects our diverse mix of pupils and does not discriminate against any protected characteristics. The school prides itself on providing a consistently safe, caring and happy environment where each pupil is…


Mathematics at Langley First School At Langley First School we aim to equip all pupils with the skills and confidence to solve a range of problems through fluency with numbers and mathematical reasoning. Children are encouraged to see the mathematics that surround them every day and enjoy developing vital life skills in this subject. Our…


Literacy at Langley First School Our ambition is to provide a literacy curriculum that allows all of our children to become independent and fluent communicators who are skilful and passionate readers and writers. Reading Curriculum Intent: Our aim is to equip all of our children with the skills needed to become independent, fluent, well-rounded and…

Early years

Intent Our Early Years curriculum is play-based and offers diverse and varied learning opportunities including real-life hands-on experiences. Children are naturally motivated to play. Our play based curriculum builds on this motivation, using play as a context for learning.  Our school core values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience are at the centre of our Early…

Religious Education

Purpose of study Throughout key stage 1 and 2, pupils explore Christianity and at least two (three in KS2) of the principal religions in this country. They learn about different beliefs about God and the world around them. They encounter and respond to a range of stories, artefacts and other religious materials. They learn to…

Modern Foreign Languages

Purpose of study Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. A high-quality languages education should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. The teaching should enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its…

Physical Education

The Aims The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils: develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities are physically active for sustained periods of time engage in competitive sports and activities lead healthy, active lives. PE and Sport Premium 2023-24 Prior Learning- Early Years Children will be…


Purpose of study Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a…

Art and Design

Purpose of study Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. As pupils progress, they should be able…

Design Technology

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