Update 3 25/9/2020

Friday 25th September 2020


Dear parent / carer,

Thank you for your continued co-operation and understanding with the current arrangements for the drop offs and pick ups. I hope that the slight changes have made things easier for parents. Please be aware that even when there is inclement weather we still need to stick with social distancing and therefore continue with the staggered start and end of the day.  It is really important that the children come into school at their different times to ease any congestion and movement within the school site.

Our local neighbourhood police team have received complaints concerning the parking of cars around school, specifically where cars are making it impossible for people to pass with pushchairs on the pavements.  Wherever possible please park in the carpark behind the shops and walk up to school to help keep the surrounding streets safe for the children entering and exiting the site.  The police will be monitoring the situation over the coming weeks and will take the appropriate action should they need to.

Uniform / PE Kits

A huge thank you to parents and children for coming into school on PE days in PE kits.  I appreciate this can cause some confusion especially when you may have different days for siblings and then clubs after school but it really has helped and has meant that the children have been getting much longer lessons!

I would just also like to remind parents that when doing PE, children are not allowed to wear jewellery, most specifically, earrings.  It is essential that every child can remain safe and active and therefore, if your child does have their ears pierced, they must remove them before the lesson. If they are unable to do this independently then please remove them before they attend school on the days they have PE.


Please make sure that EVERY piece of uniform / clothing your child brings to school is clearly labelled with their name.


Parent focus group

As the current social distancing situation does not appear to be improving in the coming months it is important to look at how else we can facilitate parts of school life within the limitations we have. Our parent focus group has been a real positive influence in school over the years and I would really like to be able to start it again so I am looking to trial an online version! How practical and accessible this will be I am uncertain at the moment but if you would be willing to at least trial setting up and running a meeting then please email the school account office@langleyfirst.org.uk with Parent focus group as the subject. I am looking to hold a meeting in the first week after half term.


Online learning

I hope that parents are already starting to interact with their child’s Seesaw and Tapestry accounts. These are set up to enable parents to be able to have a window into their child’s classroom.  We will also be using these as part of our blended learning offer, enabling staff to set work and interact should we have to move to local lockdowns or if children are self-isolating.  As online technology is so important in the current climate, if you do have any issues or concerns around this please do not hesitate to contact school.


Adults who work in medical or care sector

I have had communication from local infection control to ask that parents who work in the medical or care sector do not wear their uniforms whilst dropping/picking up from school. This is in line with all agencies’ infection control guidelines.


Again, thank you for supporting and working with us during these difficult times


Mr. T Jones
