End of term newsletter

End of spring term 21 newsletter

Friday 12th February

Re: end of term newsletter

Dear parent/carer,

As we reach the end of a very challenging half term I would like to thank you all for your continued support and understanding as we work through the difficulties that are put before us.  It has been amazing to see what a superb job you are all doing at home, juggling work and home schooling, it really has been tough so well done and thank you.


Current restrictions

As you are all well aware, next week is when the Government are reviewing the current restrictions and hopefully we will gain some insight into how this will impact or change the current guidance, restrictions and importantly, school opening.  I hope that once the information is shared and further clarity is given to the expectations of school attendance I will be able to write to you with next steps of getting the children back.  Please continue to bear with us during the few days following any announcements as I, Governors and staff will only find out any changes at the same time parents will and therefore we will need time to review our current provision/practises and revise or adapt our risk assessments before being able to communicate to the wider community.

Home learning

I shared last week the outcomes from the recent home learning survey. Hopefully you will have noticed some of the suggestions start to filter through into the provision for the children.  Engagement with online learning has been fantastic over this lockdown, just last week there were 3,357 new items uploaded with 2,818 comments and 2,995 likes.  Whilst learning remotely will never replace face to face teaching it is fantastic to see so many of the children really trying so hard with their tasks and clearly enjoying the zoom catch ups.

As next week is half term there will be no tasks set or comments left by staff. Home learning will continue from Monday 22nd February as normal.

School access

Thank you to everyone who has successfully used the booking form to request places for their children during this half term.  This has enabled us to quickly offer places to the children who qualify.  Moving forward, the form was made live again yesterday, Thursday 11th February (12:30pm) and will be left open until Thursday 18th February (12:30pm). I hope this will give parents the opportunity to request places in good time for after the half term.

Please make sure that requests are in prior to the closing date as time is needed to ensure that we have the correct staff and resources allocated for the following week. As spaces are currently at a premium, it may not be able to accommodate any children who are not booked in prior to the closing date.

School Streets

I emailed all parents this week explaining that we will be trialling our own School Streets following half term. The original letter can be found here. Please support us in this move to make our school entrance and exit as safe as possible. If you have any questions around this please do not hesitate to contact the GO Smarter team at gosmarter@northtyneside.gov.uk or check out further information at https://my.northtyneside.gov.uk/school-streets.

As we roll out this project we would really welcome parents / members of our community that could help in ensuring the entrances to the school street are only accessed by those entitled to come through during the period of restrictions. All we ask is that you are there for 8:15am to help put the cones out and then be around the entrance to help move the cones should anyone need to get through.

If you could help with this please drop the office an email. It would be fantastic if we could have a rota of volunteers to marshal these areas to help support keep the entrance to school safe.

Daft as a Brush – Mad hair day!

Thank you to everyone who has taken part in today’s Mad hair day. We have had some wonderful outfits / hair do’s!  Thank you also for your donations to Daft as a Brush, a charity we are proud to be involved with. If you haven’t had chance to leave a contribution please visit https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/donation-web/charity?charityId=1002267


Thank you

Finally, I would like to say a huge thank you to all our staff who have, as ever, worked continuously hard throughout this half term to ensure that we can provide the best possible experiences for the children at Langley in these very difficult of times.

I wish everyone a restful half term week and look forward to hopefully beginning to see more of your children return to school and some normality in the coming term ahead.

Stay safe

Mr T Jones
